Cyprus in top 20 of healthiest countries

Cyprus has been ranked 18 out of 163 countries on the Bloomberg Global Health Index , published on Monday.
The island, which scored 89.17 out of 100, and Singapore with 94.11 in position 4, were the only two non-OECD countries to make it into the top 20, according to Bloomberg.
But when it comes to living a long life, Italy with 97.44 points was the place to be, it said, ranking it at number 1 in the list of healthiest countries on Earth.
It said a baby born in Italy could expect to live to be an octogenarian. But 2,800 miles south in Sierra Leone, the average newborn would die by 52.
“While Italy is among the most developed countries, growth has stagnated for decades, almost 40 per cent of its youngsters are out of jobs and it’s saddled with one of the world’s highest debt loads relative to the size of its economy,” Bloomberg said. “Yet Italians are in way better shape than Americans, Canadians and Brits, who all suffer from higher blood pressure and cholesterol and poorer mental health.”
Each country in the index was graded based on variables such as life expectancy, causes of death and health risks ranging from high blood pressure and tobacco use to malnutrition and the availability of clean water.
Iceland, Switzerland, Singapore and Australia rounded out the top five most-healthy countries in the index.
But the developed world isn’t without its risks, the report said. One of the biggest problems was obesity, especially in the US, which was number 34 on the list with a health grade of 73.05 out of 100.
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