So you are thinking of selling or have already decided to sell your Cyprus property?
Our Company would be only too pleased to advise you on the process and costs involved to sell. It is a straight forward procedure and you do not really have to do much, we will do it all. Read on.
Selling when you have NO title deeds
Selling your Cyprus property could not be easier, although you do not need an agent to do this for you, it is always best to have someone who knows what needs to be done to secure that buyer. If only life were as simple as a buyer walking in with a case full of money, but, life is not like that and there are a number of things that need to be done.
First things first though, locate and appoint you chosen agent, if you select us, we would always have a face to face meeting to discuss with you the property, costs involved and any other related business. We will appraise your property and try to arrive at a sensible today market value (mutually agreed upon) in order to attract that buyer.
On commissioning us, we will take photos of your property, a full description and then we proceed to begin its marketing. We do this in a number of ways to maximise the chances of finding a buyer sooner rather than later.
Our marketing policy follows a similar approach as below, but is not an exhaustive list:
Listing on our website
Newspaper advertising
Property Magazine ads
By recommendation through previous satisfied clients
Listing on other paid for websites
7 days a week service from our sales network to all interested buyers
Agency network of other active agents within Cyprus, Europe and Middle East, Russia .and elsewhere
We help the buyer with any banking, legal, developer, or authority issues to ensure a smooth transaction as there are a number of aspects that need to be completed before a sale can be made.
Below is a guideline of the procedure necessary: (these actions are usually carried out by the lawyer)
1. A new Assignment contract is drawn up between seller and buyer, that will be deposited at the Land registry
2. A tax clearance is secured from the Tax office after any Capital Gains tax has been paid
3. Pay all the property/sewage/Municipal taxes up to date of the cancellation including any common expenses.
4. Pay a contract registration fee to the land registry. (Usually shared between seller and buyer)
Selling when you have title deeds
This is even easier as it bypasses the developer, although there is still some work to be done.
– The sellers tax clearance is required, paying any relevant Capital Gains Tax.
– The transfer forms need to be completed
– A trip to the land registry is required to complete the transaction.
Once the sale is completed and the necessary contracts and capital have been made, then, that’s when we get our fee.
Our Policy is ‘No Sale – No Fee’.
For any further information or to arrange a meeting contact us here.